Prenatal classes
The client needed a website for prenatal classes that she offered. I created a design comp then created a fully responsive website for her.
The client needed a website for prenatal classes that she offered. I created a design comp then created a fully responsive website for her.
This is a multi-page sample project created with mobile-first approach, bringing ideas to life on the browser.
I was given the task to convert a static page into a responsive page. This was achieved using CSS flexbox properties.
A sample static page created from a design comp, using HTML and CSS best practices.
I also have experience creating custom designed websites using CMS.This site was created for an Amazon product.
A sample page created using CSS gird layout to arrange text and images to create an engaging page.
React components and functions, charts, increment buttons and theme change button.
Used APIs to show weather, recent COVID results and data for countries
Form created using Material UI with theme change icon, login/logout option.
Custom theme site with child theme and a custom style sheet, designed from scaratch. With functions to create custom fields.